Borage for Courage Silk Hair Ribbon
About 27" long silk ribbons, with elastic section in the middle. Tie into your hair for gentle hold, using the long ribbons to make a bow with long tails, to braid intentions into your hair. Tie closed into a bow.
Screenprinted plant-dye on silk crepe.
"Borage for Courage" is a common herbalist's phrase, describing the gentle strength of this delightful fuzzy plant. Borage plants have edible periwinkle flowers that taste a bit like cucumber. This prolific plant grows in my garden every year, re-seeding itself.
Last Summer, I became obsessed with pressing and drying borage flowers, because of their beautiful curving shapes. I pressed many many pieces of borage, studying their shapes and expressions. I have been drawing these pressed stems, and working with them in the studio in a variety of ways. I'm interested finding new ways to create with plants; this translation process helped me draw and create in new ways.